Milling straight wall

The use of bovine nose mills is best when milling a flat area with flat ribs or straight walls. 4-6 blade of the nose and nose cutter is particularly good at the straight wall with the external shape or very open parts of the copy copy. The greater the number of blades, the greater the feedrate. However, the machining programmer still needs to minimize the surface contact of the tool with the workpiece and use a smaller radial width. When machining on a less rigid machine, it is advantageous to use a smaller diameter cutter because the small diameter milling cutter reduces contact with the surface of the workpiece.

The use of multi-edged nose nose cutter (including walking step and cutting depth) is the same as the ring cutter. They can be used to cut the hardened material with a cycloid tool path (or a new tool path that can control the knife’s knife angle). As mentioned earlier, the most important thing is to ensure that the cutter diameter is about 50% of the groove width, so that the milling cutter has enough moving space and to ensure that the knife angle does not increase and produce excessive cutting heat.